最近因為轉了新工作,要適應新的生活節奏,所以潛了水一陣子。😝 潛水期間,在生活和工作裡又參與了很多新嘗試,實在很感恩大家對我的信任和支持☺️繼續努力~學習更多~讓自己變得更好! 不過潛水完啦!I am back!! ♡ Life had been busy with new changes and new moves. But I am grateful for every support received and have the opportunities to keep learning and growing. I am back with a stronger and better me! ♡ 仲有要超開心超開心超開心Share! 🔸圖解香港燒賣🔸Hong Kong Siumaipedia🔸終於出版啦✨ And I have great news that Hong Kong…